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Join date: Apr 10, 2018


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One of the hardest things to deal with in the fitness profession is clients getting burned out.  People either visit what I like to refer to as, Personal Trainer Dr. Google, or they buy an eBook or read a fitness magazine, believing they have gotten the best advice.  Some of these sources do have reasonable advice, but much of it becomes white noise as it gets copied and pasted to other blogs or websites, and then, just like any other insanity loop, it repeats over and over.  This puts out a lot of misinformation, because You are uniquely formed and shaped and You, and everyone else, have a different and amazing body that is uniquely yours.

I have worked with hundreds of clients just like You. People who unrealistically compare themselves to a model (many times photo shopped), in a magazine, and identify with that body/look as the only reason to work out are doomed to fail, especially if the results don’t compare to that person in the magazine immediately. They give up, falsely believing it will never happen for them.  People who have a deep desire to improve and take themselves to the next level of their fitness journey, need to realize that to achieve their dreams and get the best results, they need a qualified personal trainer, one who can help them be the best for their unique body and self.  I have over a decade of experience working with individual clients and working in bootcamps.  No, I'm not featured in magazines, but I live life to help people with their body image and challenges, and know that beauty is not attached to a size or shape.  Something magical happens within a person when a healthy lifestyle is chosen, and to me, that is when a person begins to realize how amazing they truly are.  Their beauty begins to ebb and flow from within and is reflected in their outer image.

Danya Powers

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